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Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series #5)

Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 5) - J.R. Ward The Black Dagger Brotherhood series started off with 3 great books. I love Wrath, Rhage and Zsadist. The women they bonded with were equally great. Book 4 - Butch's story - started a downhill trend, in my opinion. I had no sympathy for Butch and his yearning for Marissa. I actually found Marissa extremely annoying and wanted her to go away. The women in the previous books were strong, opinionated females. Marissa was whiny and annoying. So when I started Book 5 I was hoping that JR Ward would get back on track. Unfortunately she didn't. The most outrageous and outlandish thing happened to guarantee that Vishous would end up with Jane. Out of nowhere, she's killed by a Lesser. Who knew the Lesser was tracking her? And then the Virgin Scribe makes her a ghost? Come on! There could have been a better way to end Vishous' story. I was sorely disappointed. I'm taking a break from the series because I don't want to be disappointed with Phury's story. I hope the author does it justice.