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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.

My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands

My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands - Chelsea Handler This book was hilarious! I've always been a fan of Chelsea Handler since the Oxygen show "Girls Behaving Badly." I love her comedic style. She's dry, sarcastic and no holds barred. She's the person who says what everyone's thinking. The collection of one-night stand stories are funny. It makes you wonder how does Chelsea continually get herself in those type of situations. Some of the stories are a little cringe-worthy and a couple of times I found myself thinking "Chelsea what did you get yourself into?" But not once during the book did I judge her or the decisions she made. I wish we all could look back at our lives and laugh at our mistakes instead of regretting them. It's what makes us who we are. And if you can't laugh at it and learn from it, then what's the point?