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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.


Missionary - Vernelle Edwards Naomi comes from a strict, Southern baptist family. She's a good girl who was raised with strong, Christian values. It is surprising to me that she would lie to her parents about why she is going to Ghana especially during a time when the country is experiencing political turmoil. Also surprisingly, her parents didn't seem to question or be too upset or shocked when they found out about her relationship with Emmanuel. There were many plot points in this book that did not make sense or did not connect. I found the dialogue to be stilted and the flashbacks were non-sensical. The plot - Naomi falling for an African exchange student - wasn't fully developed in my opinion. As a reader, I couldn't fathom what they saw in each other. They go on a couple of dates and then BAM! they're in love and she wants to go to Ghana to be with him. The premise for the novel is a good idea - good Christian girl falls for an agnostic African exchange student - and it has potential. The issues I had with plot continuity, POV changes (the majority of the story is told from Naomi's POV but towards the end of the book, the POV changed to third person) and introducing characters but not fully developing them in relation to the main characters (i.e. Fanta Egala) kept me from fulling enjoying the book.