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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.


Wake - Lisa McMann I discovered this book via Twitter. There was a tweet announcing that the book was available for free download for 5 days. You have 30 days to read it. I didn't know anything about Wake or Lisa McCann but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read a free book! I downloaded the book Saturday and read it all day Sunday. I finished the book at 10:09pm Sunday night. The book immediately sucked me in and could not stop reading! The book begins with Janie being in the school library and being sucked into the dream of the star receiver of her high school's football team. I loved the style in which the book was written. Each event was stamped with date and time. It kind of reminded me of the TV show 24. I loved the interaction of Janie and Cabel and was entrenched in their "love" story although they didn't really love or even like each other until towards the end of the book. I thought Cabel was the perfect match for Janie as they are both outsiders and open themselves up to very few people. My only disappointment with the book is the reason behind Cabel being a drug dealer. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone but I thought that aspect of the plot didn't fit with the rest of the story. The ending was a little too neat for my tastes considering what the book was about. Other than that, I loved the book and was sad to see it end. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel, Fade.