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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.

Fade (Wake)

Fade - Lisa McMann I'm going to start off by saying that I absolutely loved this book! And I honestly didn't think I would. When I read Wake, I thought that it was a fluke that I liked the book so much. Fade did not disappoint. Like Wake, I could not put it down once I started reading. Fade starts off where Wake ends. Janie and Cabel are still seniors in high school and are working undercover for the local police department. They get assigned to a new case that requires Janie to do more than slip into someone's dream. This case puts Janie's health and her relationship with Cabel in danger.I loved that the growing intimacy between Janie and Cabe was realistic. They're teenagers. They are attracted to each and are in love. It's natural that they would want to become more physical with each other. I thought the author handled this with great care and responsibility. As the reader, you knew that they were having sex without the author having to be graphic and explicit with the details. As a boyfriend, I loved Cabe and thought he was a perfect match for Janie. I loved that he called her "sweets." I "ahhh-ed" outloud when I read that line. In Fade, there was less focus on Janie's friendship with Carrie and her interactions with her fellow students in this book. Janie's mother was hardly mentioned at all. I was okay with that because I was all about Janie, Cabe and the case they were working on. I haven't read many YA books as an adult. I am being introduced the genre thanks to other book blogs that I read. I've never liked a YA book this much since I read Twilight and New Moon (purposely not mentioning the last two because I thought they were horrible). I was worried that Fade was going to disappoint but I was wrong. I am definitely looking forward to the release of Gone (release date Feb. 9th).Note: Even though this book is categorized as Young Adult, there's bad language, sex, drug use and rape in this book. I think this book is suited for ages 16 and up.