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Nothing but Trouble

Nothing But Trouble - Rachel Gibson It's really 3.5 stars.Nothing But Trouble starts off with a bang. I can't remember laughing so much while reading a contemporary romance novel. The back and forth bantering and insults between Mark and Chelsea had me chuckling and wanting more. Mark is recovering from a bad car accident. His hockey team just won the Stanley Cup without him and the Chinooks' organization keeps sending Home Healthcare workers to his house to help him during his recovery. Mark doesn't want any help; he wants to be left alone. In comes Chelsea, an out of work "actress" who wears bright, blindingly colorful outfits to match her equally colorful hair. Chelsea deals with Mark's insults, cranky moods and all out grumpiness because the money being offered will help pay for breast reduction surgery. For her, dealing with the difficult hockey player for 3 months is well worth it.I loved the chemistry between Mark and Chelsea. Even when he was insulting her, she didn't waiver in her job as his personal assistant. One of my favorite interactions between them is when Chelsea is driving Mark to his appointments"Whenever I drive an expensive car out of someone's garage, I always feel like Ferris Bueller. I swear I can hear the music in my head." She lowered her voice and said as deep as possible, "Bow bow - oooohhh yeeeaah.""Are you high?"I was cracking up when I read this because I knew exactly what part in Ferris Bueller's Day Off that she was referring to. I loved the humor that was infused in this book. Even though Mark was recovering from a terrible accident and was angry about his hockey career being over, his insults were not malicious. Chelsea's response to them was to ignore or give a straight answer, as if he wasn't trying to insult her. For instance, when he asked her if she was high, she responded with:"No I don't take drugs. You'll be happy to know I passed a drug test to get this job. Apparently they're careful about whom they hire."Mark: "Obviously."The progression of Mark and Chelsea's relationship from professional to personal happened at a natural pace. Nothing was forced. Like they say, there's a thin line between love and hate. The book continued at a steady pace and held my interest throughout. Unfortunately, it kind of fizzled at the end. The big climax was kind of a dud. Mark finds out why initially Chelsea was willing to work for him after his constant verbal abuse and he feels extremely betrayed. I thought his reaction was over-the-top and over the line. Especially since he knew what she needed the money for. It also bothered me that Chelsea's twin sister, Bo, was so against Chelsea getting the boob reduction. I didn't understand her stance against it and a reason was never given.Nothing But Trouble has a great deal of humor. That humor kept me tuned in and interested. It contains the usual formulaic plot lines that you find in contemporary romance. While I didn't mind it, I wish the climax and the resolution wasn't so neatly tied up in a bow in 10 pages or less.