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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress Series #1)

Halfway to the Grave - Jeaniene Frost Last month, I decided to take a break from PNR and Urban Fantasy novels. I was burnt out and the last couple of UF books I read didn't do anything for me. I loved the break. I immersed myself in historical and contemporary romance novels (my first love). But surprisingly, I missed reading PNR and UF books. I was scared to jump back in with both feet. But I was itching for some PNR. I crossed my fingers and toes and hoped that I would pick the right book that would have me falling back in love with the genre. And boy, did I ever pick the right, if not, perfect book!I am late to the game in regards to the phenomenon that is Cat and Bones. My twitter peeps have been telling me that Cat and Bones is the real deal! But I dragged my feet. I purchased Halfway to the Grave back in June but because of my self-imposed PNR ban, I didn't immediately read it. In a way, I'm glad I didn't. I needed the break to regroup and add some variety to my reading. Sometimes that's hard to do when you discover a new genre that you're excited about. The Night Huntress series has restored my faith!Halfway to the Grave has everything that you could want in a Paranormal romance. A kick-ass heroine who mouths off at the drop of a hat. A sexy vampire who's not afraid to go toe-to-toe with the kick-ass heroine. And a plot that has you so engrossed that you can not and will not put the book down. I was reading every chance I could get. I read the book in 2 days. I would have read it in less time if I didn't have to worry about sleep, work and life in general. I was addicted and this was my drug of choice. I didn't want the book to end but I couldn't wait for it to the end! You book lovers know what I mean. There's humor, romance, hot vampire on half-breed vampire sex, violence, vengeance, love, hate. Aargh!! It was too much and yet not enough. In one word, the book was AWESOME!Flutter factor:Bones is a hot vampire with a British accent. Bones is sexy and dangerous with his hair dyed platinum blond, sculptured features and lean-muscled body. While reading, I couldn't help but picture Bones as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Mmmm...I love me some Spike. Cat is a half-breed who doesn't like working with the hot vampire but she's going to do what she has to do. The chemistry between these two leapt off the pages. Cat's tendency to speak before thinking had me giggling and highlighting every single funny one-liner that came out of her mouth. Cat is the type of heroine that I love. She's strong-willed, feisty, and stubborn; but she also cares deeply and fights for what's right. There was nothing but flutters throughout this book. Cat and Bones have perfect chemistry.Halfway to the Grave is a must read! If you haven't read it, go to the nearest bookstore and buy it stat! You'll be happy that you did.