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One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress Series #2)

One Foot in the Grave - Jeaniene Frost *This is really 4 1/2 stars. Goodreads needs to get with the program!*Oh man! This series is the bomb-diggity! The goodness that is Cat and Bones just keeps on coming.One Foot in the Grave starts off with it being 4 years later. Cat left Bones (dumbass!) and moved her and her mom to Virginia. She was approached with an offer that she felt like she couldn't refuse. Cat is now working for the FBI. She hunts vampires as a professional. She has her own team and she can kick ass and take names without worrying about covering her tracks with the law. I understand her motives behind leaving Bones behind but it doesn't mean I have to like it! This was one of the few times that I wished that the story was told in 3rd POV because I desperately wanted to know what Bones was feeling and thinking when he discovered that Cat had left him. Luckily we didn't have to suffer too long before the two were reunited.Cat and Bones are back to working together. Cat is now being hunted. There's a price on the Red Reaper's head and there are vamps out there that are eager to collect. We learn more about Bones's past and about vampire politics. Cat and Bones experience a few bumps in the road regarding their relationship; Cat's disapproving mom - I was hoping someone would kill her ass, Cat's disapproving team and a woman from Bones' past. And don't forget about the vamps that are out to kill her. How is she supposed to work on her relationship with a price tag hanging over head? But they manage to hold it together despite all the crap being tossed their way. That is what makes them a great and powerful couple. They are strong on their own; but together they are indestructible (or as close to indestructible as you can get).Flutter factor:One Foot in the Grave has the infamous Chapter 32. Everyone kept telling me, "wait until you read chapter 32." Or asking me, "have you read Chapter 32 yet?" I was tempted to take a peek at Chapter 32 to find out what the fuss was all about because the suspense was killing me! But I didn't. I exercised restraint. I've never read so fast in my life! And I stayed up late so that I could go to bed knowing what was so special about Chapter 32. That chapter was so worth staying up late and oversleeping the next day! Holy crap! Talk about HOT! An entire chapter dedicated to - no I'm not going to say. You're just going to have to find out for yourselves! Small hint - Chapter 32 is just as good as Chapter 4 in Dreamfever.Final thoughts:Great follow-up to Halfway to the Grave. Bones is the man! He may overtake Barrons' #1 Book Boyfriend spot. He's that good.