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The Keepers (The Keepers Trilogy, #1) (Harlequin Nocturne, #97)

The Keepers (The Keepers Trilogy, #1) (Harlequin Nocturne, #97) - Heather Graham Detective DeFarge is called to a murder scene. A woman is completely drained of blood. There are no marks on her body, no wounds except for a the tiny hole showing the tell-tell mark of a vampire's bite. Jagger knows that if there's a rogue vampire out there killing humans, that this could start a war among the supernatural species - vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, faeries and the like. This is where Fiona steps in. She's a Keeper. She was born with the mark of the bat so she's the Keeper of the vampires. It is her duty to make sure that the vampire community stays in line. Fiona doesn't trust Jagger to do his job to the fullest. Because Jagger is a vampire, Fiona doesn't believe that Jagger will be able to kill his own kind if the murderer turns out to be a vampire. So she makes sure to stay in the loop and in his face while he investigates the murder.I'm going to start off by saying that this book was a DNF for me. I read about 40% of the book after putting it down several times before I finally had to put it down for good. It was to difficult read as much as I did. I took an instant dislike to Fiona's character. She had no faith in Jagger to do his job and find the killer. He's a cop with a good reputation. I didn't understand why she didn't trust him, other than the fact that he's a vampire. Fiona has a huge disdain for vampires. As far as I could tell, he'd never given her a reason to think that he wouldn't do his job. Fiona had a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. Every other sentence out of her mouth was, "I'm the Keeper." or "I'm a Keeper." and my favorite "I'm your Keeper." She had an obvious dislike, borderline hatred, for vampires. Maybe if I'd read the entire book, some light would have been shed on Fiona's strong feelings regarding vampires. It was hinted that she blamed vampires for her death of her parents. That could have been her issue but I will never know.The part of the plot that completely did me in was when Fiona and Jagger had sex. For me, it was totally and completely out of the blue. There was absolutely no build-up to this moment. Yes, there were mentions of how beautiful Jagger thought she was and how sexy Fiona that Jagger looked but other than that, nothing. It made no sense for them to go from 0-60 with nothing, absolutely nothing in between. No stolen kisses. No mild flirting. No making out. Nothing! So imagine my surprise when he goes back to her place and they start getting it on. And because of my utter disbelief that two people who have no sexual chemistry and such utter disdain for each other was about to get it on, I didn't even read the sex scene. I skipped over it and then decided to not finish the book.This is the first DNF review I've written since I started my blog. I wasn't sure if I was going to review the book or not but decided that I should be honest with my readers. The Keepers didn't work for me on many levels. The main characters had no chemistry so I didn't find it feasible that there would be a romance. What romance there was, I didn't think it was fully developed. Fiona is a character that I could not sympathize with and did not like. She had no redeeming qualities and in my opinion, was bitchy and angry towards Jagger for no apparent reason. I could not connect to the characters or the plot. This story just didn't work for me.