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Dragon Bound (Elder Races Series #1)

Dragon Bound - Thea Harrison I've been seeing nothing but rave reviews for this book since its release date. I've only read one other "dragon" book so I was a little hesitant to read this one. But I trust my peeps and I knew they wouldn't steer me wrong.Pia is half-human, half-wyr. She is blackmailed by her skeezy ex-boyfriend to steal from Dragos', head of the Wry demesnes, hoard. Dragos is an ancient dragon shape-shifter. He is very powerful and no one dares to cross him. Pia is on the run for her life after stealing from the ancient dragon. She seeks refuge with the help of her employer, Quentin, but she doesn't stay hidden for long. Dragos manages to locate her and demands revenge. Only when he comes face-to-face with Pia, exacting his punishment is no longer his top priority.*takes deep breath* I absolutely LOVED this book!!!! OMG! It lived up to the hype like you wouldn't believe! Every character in Dragon Bound was awesome! Thea Harrison knows how to write smart, funny and engaging characters. After just one scene with Pia, I was panting after Quentin. I hope we get to see more of him in future books. But I digress. The entire time I was reading Dragon Bound, I couldn't contain my excitement. Dragos is one of the best PNR heroes that I've read in a long time. We all have our favorites (Bones, Raphael, Barrons) and Dragos ranks right up there with them. He is intense, powerful, demanding. He is so old that he doesn't understand the modern world when it comes to niceties and emotions. In that aspect he reminds me of Raphael from Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series. He barks orders and expects them to be followed - without question. I loved how Pia taught him that saying "please" goes a long way. Dragos had a hard time adding that tiny six letter word at the end of his requests. And his struggle with it was endearing and funny.Dragos and Pia are a perfect match. Once she realizes that Dragos won't be killing her - yet - she's not afraid to put him in his place. I love her sense of humor and sarcasm. Pia is a strong heroine. She's not afraid to speak up and not let Dragos run her life without having any say. The attraction between them is intense. As they soon discover, there's something bigger brewing and that Pia being sent to steal from Dragos is about more than just her ex-boyfriend covering his gambling debts. There's a big bad out there who is after Dragos - The Dark Fae King. Dragos is no longer a threat to Pia; he's now her protector. He realizes that she is his and that it is his job to keep her safe."I don't know." That fierce, proud face was puzzled. "All I know is you're mine to keep and protect. You can't fade away, and you can't die. I won't let you."OMG is he fantastic or what? I can even forgive him for his dislike of Twizzlers, my favorite candy. Dragos is surrounded by great characters that work for him at Cuelebre Enterprises. Rune is his "First" but my favorite is Graydon. He is funny, sexy and was a great friend to Pia when Pia was trying to come to terms with how quicky her life was changing. I loved that Graydon calls Pia "cupcake." I am a sucker for cute nicknames.Dragon Bound was a fantastic read. It has all the elements that make it a perfect PNR; sexy hero, world building, great side characters, strong heroine and a great romance. Dragon Bound is *heavy* on the romance and I love that! Great pace, wonderful storyline, fantastic dialog and some sexy that made you quiver, Dragon Bound had it all. I couldn't put the book down. I couldn't read fast enough but I didn't want it to end. As the book got closer to the end, I loved it even more. All I can say is, I am a sucker for those type of endings. I'm not going to say or hint at what it was cause it would be a big a-- spoiler and that's not how I roll. LOL! I can't wait to continue with this fresh, fantastic new series. If you haven't read Dragon Bound you are truly missing out. I can honestly say it is one of my favorite reads of the year.Another favorite quote:"That's my long, scaly reptilian tail. And it's bigger than anyone else's."Favorite sexy quote:"I'm going to eat you until you scream."Book 2 - Storm's Heart - will be released on August 2nd, 2011. I can't wait!