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Deeper Than Midnight (Midnight Breed Series #9)

Deeper Than Midnight - Lara Adrian Orignally reviewed for Leontine's Book RealmDeeper Than Midnight is the 9th book in the Midnight Breed series. Fans of the series have been waiting for Hunter’s book ever since he escaped Dragos’ clutches and joined the Order.Deeper than Midnight takes place exactly where “Brocks book” ended. A few weeks have passed since the rescue of the Breedmates. The Breedmates have been returned home to their families except for Corinne. She wants Brock, who was her bodyguard when she lived at her family’s Darkhaven before she was kidnapped, to accompany her back home to Detroit. Unfortunately, Brock and Jenna are stranded in Alaska and cannot get back to Corinne in time. Hunter is given the task of making sure Corinne arrives home safely. In the meantime, Hunter and Chase run into some trouble with Agent Murdock of the Enforcement Agency at a local vamp hangout. Chase’s behavior and attitude is quickly getting worse and his violence and anger reared its ugly head when Chase and Hunter were attacked. Angry and bloodied, Chase’s thirst can no longer be quenched. He is a man on the edge. He knows once he crosses that line, there is no going back.After reading Darker than Midnight, I couldn’t wait for the release of Hunter’s book. Hunter is a character who’s been through a lot and is still figuring things out as a member of the Order. He doesn’t say much; he does what he is told. It seems like the only person who can reach him is Mira, the little girl. So I knew that the woman who would be Hunter’s romantic interest and Breedmate had to be someone really special. Unfortunately, I don’t think there was anything that special about Corinne. We were briefly introduced to Corinne at the end of the previous book. In Deeper than Midnight, we find out what Corinne was subjected to while she was imprisoned by Dragos. It wasn’t pretty. Corinne suffered abuse, both sexual and physical. Because of the torment that Corinne suffered at Dragos’s hand, I found it a little shocking that she was so quick to become physical with Hunter. I would think that someone who suffered so horribly would be gun-shy about any kind of physical contact.As for Hunter, we learn a little about his time as one of Dragos’s hunters and what he endured. Again, not too much light is shed on this to get a clear and full picture of what Hunter went through. The one thing that fascinated me about Hunter in the romantic aspect is that he has no experience with intimacy. No kissing, no holding hands, nothing. So when Hunter and Corinne finally become physical whether it is kissing or more, Hunter was really skilled. I found this odd considering he was raised and trained to be a killer, with no contact or emotions. So how did he become this gentle and skilled lover without any experience?Even though Deeper than Midnight is Hunter’s story, Chase made the book for me. For every two or three chapters dedicated to Hunter or the Order, 1 or 2 chapters featured Chase and Chase alone. At one point, I thought to myself, “I thought this was Hunter’s book. Why is Chase’s storyline so prominent?” At first it bothered me, but as the book progressed, I started looking forward to Chase because the romance between Hunter and Corinne fell flat for me. Deeper than Midnight didn’t wow me like I thought it would. Maybe my expectations were too high but I expected a lot more from Hunter and his storyline. I felt like the romance was rushed because so much of the book was focused on Chase and the other characters. I felt the ending was abrupt like in the previous book. When Deeper than Midnight ended, I kept hitting the next button because it didn’t feel like the story should be over. I still love the Midnight Breed series and will continue reading the series. With the way the book ended, I am anxious to find out Chase’s fate. Deeper than Midnight would have been a better book for me if more of the story was focused on Hunter and Corinne, and not everyone else.Favorite quote:“You are the finest thing I’ve ever touched. I want to be careful with you. I worry that you’ll break under my rough hands”Merged review:Review to come.