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Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers Series, Book 1

Northern Exposure - Mari Carr This book was a freebie on Amazon and of course I had to snatch it up. I needed a break between reviewe books and decided that this would be a steamy, quick read to break up the monotony. Well...it was certainly steamy. o_O Let me preface by saying I love menages and erotic romance. So the fact that this was a menage story was a plus, not a minus for me. Northern Exposure got off to a good start for me. I felt Si's angst and pain at being caught making out with his best friend, Colby, by his best friend, Lucy (who's also Colby's girlfriend). This all went down when Si and Colby were 18, Lucy being a couple of years younger. Engrossed in shame, Silas decides the best thing for him to do is to leave the family farm and let Colby and Lucy be together without him messing things up. He won't be able to be around Colby and hide his passion for him so the best thing to do is leave. Fast forward 10 years, Silas lives his life as a longer, with impersonal hookups and drowning his sorrows in alcohol. Silas gets seriously injured in an oil rig explosion and is sent home back to Compass Ranch to recover. Lucy and Colby are now happily married but both feel like something's missing. That something is Silas.Ok so the book had me hooked up until Silas returned home, been back a couple of hours and Colby and Lucy were already jumping his bones. This man has a steel rod in his leg, broken femur, contusions and cuts that are still healing. He's in a lot of pain. And yet he's able to participate (halfway participate) in a freaking threesome! And to make things worse (for me) Colby licked, devoured, ate Silas's spunk from Lucy's snatch! I know there's a word for that but for the life of me I can not remember it. Needless to say, this was the first of several times I gagged while reading this book. I guess they find spunk tasty and sexy. Never mind the suspension of disbelief that someone who just survived an explosion can get an erection and have a threesome with no ill-effects but also the fact that they talk for like 5 minutes, decide that they are going to all be together and everyone is all tra-la-la, our life is perfect now, let's f*ck.I felt that the resolution was too easy. The acceptance was too easy. The glimpse of angst in the beginning quickly disappeared once Silas returned to Compass Ranch. I felt the sex scenes had no emotional connection whatsoever. These three people supposedly wanted to be together for the last 10 years but I didn't feel that when they were having sex. It was more like, they're aroused, let's do it.I am interested in reading Silas's brothers' stories. So I will be checking out the next book in the series. Imagine that. I just hope there's no chowing down on another man's spunk. That is so not sexy.