I didn't know what to expect. I loved revisiting Barrons and Mac and the Fever World. The artwork is fantastic. I was worried about reading the graphic novel because we all have our own ideas as to how the characters look. Barrons doesn't look how I pictured him. He kinda reminds of Steven Seagal. Ewww. And he has a mullet! I expected Barrons to look more neat and put together. But Inspector Jayne is sexay! I pictured him as an older, pot-bellied fellow. So glad I got that wrong. Mac was drawn very curvy and sexy. She looked like a Playboy Playmate. I kinda wish this wasn't hardcover as it made it a little difficult to read the dialog that was close to the spine. The graphic novel needed to be broken in a little while reading it. The overall plot was nothing spectacular. We met the Fear Dorcha in Shadowfever so nothing in Fever Moon is new if you've already read Shadowfever. It's the usual Barrons and Mac banter with bitchy Rowena thrown into the mix. Now that I see how sexy Inspector Jayne is, I hope to see more of him in the spin-off series.All in all, it Fever Moon was okay. It took less than an hour to read. It was entertaining but not what I expected. If she publishes another graphic novel, I don't know if I'll buy it. I'm not a graphic novel person so maybe I can't appreciate it like a true aficionado. I bought Fever Moon because I love this series and KMM and needed a Barrons fix. It's a pretty book to add to my bookshelf.