I don't think I would have enjoyed the Charley Davidson books if I'd read them. There's something about Lorelei King's narration that brings the characters and the story to life.Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet was my favorite book of the series despite some of the issues I had with Charley. It's a few months later and Charley is holed up in her apartment, making out credit cards buying useless items from Home Shopping Channels. Since her attack, Charley has been suffering from PTSD although she doesn't want to admit it. Cookie slowly tries to get Charley to leave the apartment and to stop shopping. A new case shows up at Charley's doorstep and that propels Charley to finally get out of her funk. But like any Charley Davidson story, there's not just the case she has to deal with but there's also demons, her family, bank robbers and Reyes.As much as I enjoyed FGBMF, I felt like there was too much going on! My first issue was with the case that Charley took, Harper, who's being harassed by someone. I felt that it was unnecessary since it was put on the back burner throughout most of the book. And then to throw in Charley being caught in the middle of a bank robbery? What was the point? There should have been a better way to display Charley's powers without adding another plot point. There are demons trying to kill Charley! Why aren't we focusing on the demons?!?!?!?! That in itself is enough to get the plot interesting.I'm also tired of Charley's family. Can they go to therapy and move on please? Or cut them off. Do something. Let's hope everything is resolved for the next book.I love Charley's humor but she kicked it into overdrive to the point that it was annoying and felt forced. The naming of furniture and body parts was the first time I heard it but after the fifth time, it starts to lose it's cuteness. Charley's humor needs to scale back because it overpowered everything else.My favorite parts of the book involved Reyes and the demons - which should be the focus in my opinion. Let's stop with the 2 and 3 plots going on at the same time. It takes away from the Big Bad.All of the men in Charley's life suck, except for Uncle Bob. And yes, that includes sexy ass Reyes. I'd do him but I don't have to like him. ;-)Cookie is my favorite character in this book. She seems to be the only one with some sense.I did enjoy this book (I know it may not seem like it) and it's mainly thanks to the narrator. Lorelei King kept me entertained from start to finish even when I was rolling my eyes when Charley called her gun 'Margaret'.