This installment didn't pull me in as much as the first. Everyone got on my nerves and I just wanted them to go away. I had no sympathy for Dave, Kasie's fiancee. He turned into a mean ass mofo that bordered on psychotic. Kasie feeling that she owed Dave because of her indiscretion made me want to slap some sense into her. Mr. Dade loss some of his sex appeal with his control issues. Tom, Kasie's boss, was great and then turned into a complete ass. Everyone needed a good slap in the face.I wasn't invested in any of the relationships or its success. I was more annoyed than intrigued. I wanted to get out of Kasie's head and her fantasies. Her long internal monologue took up too much page time. This installment is definitely darker than the first one. I hope everything comes together in the next and final issue cause this one didn't really work for me.