We were introduced to Cat in the first book of the Dare Me series, Down for the Count. Cat is full of life, fun and daring. She takes life by the balls and squeezes tight. So I was excited to read Cat's story.Shane is Galen's (Cat's brother) best friend. When Galen left for college, Shane promised to keep an eye on Cat and to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. Not knowing the promise that Shane made to Galen, Cat saw Galen as an annoying road block to her adventure and fun. Shane likes Cat, a lot but doesn't want to act on it while she's a teen. Now Shane's back in town for good and he's ready to pursue a relationship with Cat. But Cat isn't willing or ready to be tied down.I always enjoy the "little sister of the best friend" romance trope. It normally works for me. It didn't quite work in Down and Dirty and I blame Cat. Cat is very squeamish when it comes to relationships and commitment. She doesn't want a relationship to hinder her fun and she doesn't want to give up her dreams for any man. Now that Shane is back and starts pursuing Cat with a vengeance, she figures in order to get him out of her system, she'll have drunken sex with him -- as if that's gonna work. This only encourages Shane more.Cat annoyed me because the basis of her skittishness about relationships was unfounded. She saw that her mom gave up being a violin player to be a wife and mother. Cat doesn't want to give up on her dreams (but no one asked her to). Cat thinks she's inside her mother's head and knows her mother's heart when Cat's mom never gave any indication that she regretted her decision. A few stolen glances at a violin and teaching violin lessons is not what a woman who gave up on her dreams make. I would have understood Cat's assumption if her mom was vocal about it, like say, if it weren't for you kids I'd be a famous violinist or something of that sort. But she didn't.Shane is a patient man for putting up with Cat's shenanigans. Many times he accused her of not growing up and I agree. Her actions were childish and selfish. She jumped to irrational conclusions, thinking Shane wanted to hold her back. An incident that involved a missing child and Shane's actions surrounding it gave a clear picture as to how immature Cat truly is. That incident was not about her yet she made it about her. I don't understand how anyone who grew up in a loving, two-parent home could have so many issues. Galen turned out fine. What was her deal?Down and Dirty was a good read despite my issues with Cat. I loved seeing Galen and Lacey again. For me, Cat came to her senses too little too late. I'm glad that the ending was Happy For Now because I think that Cat still has a lot of growing up to do.