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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.

Along Came Trouble: A Loveswept Contemporary Romance

Along Came Trouble - Ruthie Knox Ugh. I love Ruthie Knox's books! About Last Night was one of my favorite books of 2012!!! I hate to say this, but Along Came Trouble did not work for me. I had such a hard time getting into the story and connecting with the characters. I can't believe it took me two weeks to finish the book.I really didn't like Ellen. Really didn't like her. I thought that she was selfish and mean and treated Caleb like crap. What Caleb saw in her, I have no idea. There was no sexual tension, witty banter, or humor - things that I expect to find in a Ruthie Knox book. After two days, Caleb was in love with her. WHAT!!!! How? Why? What? And How? Nothing about their relationship screamed LOVE. Nothing. I felt zero chemistry. Caleb was like a homeless puppy chasing after a little tail. Ellen treated him like a stud and felt he wasn't worth getting to know outside of sex. And she said this to his face! And then got sad when he finally got the message and backed off. Dumb ass say what?Ellen fighting Caleb about the security measures he wanted to implement grew old really fast. She was so (I hate to use this word but...if the shoe fits...) bitchy about it. And out and out MEAN! Paparazzi were invading her sanctuary, her home. She has a child and his safety to think about. That never entered her mind! And she was angry at the wrong person. It was her brother, Jamie, and his actions that caused the paparazzi to descend on the little town of Camelot. Not Caleb. He was just doing his job.And let's talk about Jamie having an affair with a pregnant woman. Ewww. Just ewww. I couldn't get down with that. That grossed me out. Despite that, I liked Jamie and Carly's relationship wayyy better than Caleb and Ellen.I did not like Ellen. She took too long to be "redeemed" and by the time she came to her senses, I was already done with her.