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Mafia Captive

Mafia Captive - Kitty Thomas I was in the mood to read something different. I whined about my reading funk on twitter and author Kitty Thomas offered her latest release, Mafia Captive, up for review. I jumped on it immediately. I've only read one other Kitty Thomas book, Comfort Food, and it totally messed with my mind. I figured Mafia Captive was exactly what I needed to get me out of my funk.I could not put down Mafia Captive. I love that Thomas creates these anti-heroes where in real life you wouldn't come near them with a 10 foot pole but they are so likable! While reading Mafia Captive, I kept telling myself that I shouldn't like Leo. Even though he didn't ask Angelo to kidnap Faith and give her to him as a present, Leo was still holding a woman against her will. Faith had two choices: Live with Leo as his slave or be killed by Angelo. Leo is kinder than his murderous twin, Angelo, but he is not willing to ignore his sadomasochistic needs.Faith is 22 and is just starting her life. Her life irrevocably changes when she witnesses a murder. When she is given to Leo and told that she will be living with him as his slave, she wasn't sure if she would have been better off dead. Faith immediately recognizes that she is safer with Leo despite his sexual needs. Leo protects her and reassures her that he won't do anything that she doesn't want to do. He's not going to force her into being his slave. Despite her age and her circumstances, I didn't find Faith whiny or pathetic. She faced the situation the best way she knew how. It was all about survival for her.I like how conflicted Leo and Faith are. They're forming a relationship under odd and extenuating circumstances. Leo is not part of the family business but that it doesn't mean that he doesn't have blood on his hands. As much as Faith hates her circumstances, she can't help but feel an attraction towards Leo. He is her protector.I loved Mafia Captive and I highly recommend if you're looking for a darker romance.