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Under the Covers (Entangled: Brazen)

Under the Covers - Rebecca Zanetti I enjoyed Under the Covers more than book one in this series, Against the Wall, but I still felt like there was something missing.Juliet runs a gallery and has one foot headed out of town. She has a dangerous past and it's creeping up on her. Sheriff Quinn Lodge has the hots for Juliet but he realizes she is skittish. When the opportunity arises and he needs a date, he sees it as a perfect way to get closer to Juliet. Though they share a mutual attraction, Quinn and Juliet are quite different. Quinn is The Law and sees everything in black and white. Juliet is running from The Law and her life is nothing but gray.Quinn and Juliet have been flirting and flitting around each other since book 1 but I honestly did not feel any heat between the two. Quinn is demanding and supposedly dominate. He tells Juliet what he's going to do to her and how she's gonna like it. She quivers and shivers in anticipation. I think Quinn threatened to spank Juliet at least 10 times and never did it! I don't understand contemporary romances trying to add BDSM into the mix but not fully committing to it. If someone isn't getting tied up and flogged, it doesn't need to be part of the story.Under the Covers is overall a good read. I liked Quinn and Juliet even though I didn't truly feel the chemistry between them. Juliet did irk me towards the end when she had some TSTL moments. Her life is in danger but of course, she can take care of herself. Whatever. I don't know if the issue with her step-brother was really needed to cause the conflict and steer the climax. I think the fact that Juliet was hiding her past from Quinn was enough of a conflict.I will continue with this series. I like the brothers and the family camaraderie. I can't wait to read Dawn and Hawk's book. I'm a sucker for a friends to lovers story.