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Not Until You Part III: Not Until You Crave (Loving On The Edge, #3.53)

Not Until You Part III: Not Until You Crave  (Loving On The Edge, #3.53) - Roni Loren Foster, Pike and Cela's not of passion is over and they're back to their normal lives. Cela can't forget the connection she felt with Foster and Foster feels the same way. But Cela only got a small taste of what Foster wants from a woman. He's not sure that Cela will be able to handle his demands in the bedroom.In this latest installment, Foster is struggling with what he feels for Cela. Cela's innocence and the fact that she has a life that is all planned out for her doesn't make her sub material. But Foster sees something in Cela that calls to him. Cela still wants Foster but now that he's giving her the cold shoulder, Cela is moving on with her life and her plans to move back home. It doesn't help that Cela's brother, Andre, warns her to stay away from Foster. This makes her curious as to what her brother knows about Foster.I really liked that Foster finally revealed his true self to Cela. Cela seems to think she can handle Foster and give him what he wants but she has no clue what he is which proves how innocent she truly is. Even though the threesome quickly turned into a twosome, it feels organic to the story. I don't think I would have truly believed that Cela would have sex with both Pike and Foster and be okay with that.I'm interested in seeing where this will lead. Will Foster take Cela to The Ranch to show her what he's really about? I hope so and I can't wait to see her reaction.