The positive early buzz for About Last Night had me more than anxious to read it. Thank goodness I pre-ordered it and the moment it arrived on my Kindle, I started reading. And was totally blown away. Contemporary romance is my first love. When I get in a rut and need a pick me up, I automatically turn to contemp rom. It gives me what I need and I know what to expect - an HEA at the end. When I started reading About Last Night, despite all the rave reviews, I didn't expect to fall deeply and utterly in love with Nev "City" Chamberlain. When I was at the Lori Foster Reader Author Get Together and attended a panel featuring Jill Shalvis and HelenKay Dimon, Jill said that in a romance, it's all about the hero. If the reader doesn't like the hero, then the appeal of the book and the romance fails. Ruthie Knox has written the most likable, the most perfect and sexy hero that I've read to date. Not only is Nev completely swoon worthy but Cath is extremely likable. For me, I normally have a hard time liking the heroine in most contemporary romances. The heroes are written so well that I feel that the heroine is undeserving. This was not the case with Nev and Cath.I wasn't sure if I was going to like Cath in the beginning. Her character is very dark considering that this is a contemporary romance. She's dealt with some heavy things in her past. Her life has not been all rainbows and unicorns. But as we learn more about her and her past, I started admiring her for her determination to get her life in order and to not stray from her path. On the surface, Nev and Cath are complete opposites. He's a successful banker and comes from money. Cath is barely scrapping by and her family life was less than stellar. Cath is gun-shy when it comes to relationships but can't seem to resist the charming Nev. Who can blame her? The man pursues her relentlessly. He's sexy, romantic and he wears yellow rubber gloves when he washes dishes. He is downright irresistible!About Last Night is perfect from start to finish. Once you start reading it, you will not be able to put it down. Nev is one of the best heroes I've read to date (have I said that already?) and I've been reading contemporary romance for over 25 years. The writing is so well done. The plot is engaging. There's humor and super hot sexy times. The dialog is AMAZING! It's emotional and sweet. It has everything you could want in a romance. The only thing I didn't like was that it ended. I didn't want to leave Nev and Cath. This is where I needed an epilogue or something to fulfill my insatiable appetite for more.About Last Night is one of my favorite books of the year. I can't recommend this book enough. It has everything you want and more in a romance. Ruthie Knox is a fresh voice in the contemporary romance genre and she is now on my auto-buy list. I look forward to reading more from her.About Last Night is a book that you won't forget. Nev is a hero that you will immediately fall in love with. Cath is a woman you root for. I finished the book with a smile on my face and a sigh in my heart.Nev, Nev, Nev...*sigh* That is all.