I am an admitted cover whore. When I was perusing Amazon's site, looking for something new and fresh to read, the first thing that caught my eye was the hot cover. Now that covers are being Fifty Shaded to death, I flock to the sexy man chest covers now more than ever. Plus the short blurb was interesting. Scorned woman goes to Vegas to soothe her wounded heart. Good times will follow. It's a win-win, right? WRONG!The blurb is misleading. Yes, Spencer and Ryan go to Vegas but that trip is a small blip in the entire book. And the guy, Brandon, that Spencer sees in Vegas, she has already semi-met at her local gym. So what is this "Vegas will change her lie forever" nonsense? Spencer did not meet Brandon in Vegas and have a whirlwind affair. They ran into each other, dirty danced, had an orgasm from said dancing and then poof! The rest of the weekend was glazed over and then Spencer and Ryan are back in San Francisco. I felt like mentioning Vegas in the blurb was a way to draw people in .Well it worked for me and now I'm pissed!The characters in Where I Need to Be are in their late 20s but this book read like a YA or New Adult. Major editing is needed. Everything is described in detail except for the characters' appearance. I have no idea what Spencer, Ryan or Max look like. I do know that Brandon has brown hair and brown eyes. Apparently he is Spencer's very own Gideon Cross (that reference annoyed me BTW. Make the book your own please). The story is told in Spencer's 1st person POV. Why, I have no idea because she is not interesting. The fact that she got a lady boner because Brandon called her "babe" in a text should tell you her ass is not ready for a mature relationship. Maybe I've been married to long, but how is that a thing to swoon over? How about an extremely romantic dinner followed by a flowers, a long walk on the beach and the guy playing his guitar by a fire (corny I know but come on. That's so much better than a dude calling you babe via text). I swear, 20-somethings have no standards these days.So Brandon and Spencer's relationship moves at rapid speed and after only a week, they are in love and Brandon is giving Spencer a key to his condo. *insert eye roll here* They are having lots of sex, sex, sex. So far, I'm almost okay with the story until Brandon's ex-girlfriend pops up with some Maury Povich ish and the book plummets from there.Now I'm even more pissed because I'm like, this is not what I signed up for when I bought this book. Why does there have to be over-the-top drama in a romance? Do authors think that makes it better? Here's your answer: NO. Stop it. Just stop.After many more eye rolls and heavy sighs, I finally finish the book. The book just ends. I kept hitting my Kindle, thinking there's more. Nope. So you know what that means. There's a sequel. Ugh. Why??? I don't want to read about Spencer anymore! I don't care about her. I don't care about any of the characters in this book. Needless to say, I will not be reading the next book in this series.Oh and one more thing: WTF is up with girls having guy names? I mean REALLY! Spencer, Ryan. Ryan's not even spelled to look like it's a girl. Add an extra 'n' or something! It took me forever to keep the names straight in my head and not fall into thinking I was reading a m/m romance.