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Demons Prefer Blondes

Demons Prefer Blondes - Sidney Ayers Lucy owns a beauty salon. Unbeknownst to her, she is half demon - a succubus. Lucy's best friend, Serah, buys a mysterious chest from an antique shop. Serah is excited about the chest and wants Lucy to help her open it. Lucy feels a strange spark whenever she touches the chest and when her hand touches the top of the chest, she unleashes beings that she never knew or believed existed.Demons Prefer Blondes got off to a slow start for me. There wasn't much action until the end which caused parts of the book to drag. Lucy and Serah were a little too accepting of the fact that there were demons in the world. There was no "Oh My Gosh I don't believe this!" moment. The first words that came out of Serah's mouth when Lucy opened the box was "you're a demon!". Rafe and Lucy were all over each other from the beginning but I didn't feel any spark between him. I expected a more smexy time since Lucy is a succubus.Demons Prefer Blondes had some humorous moments and dialog. I loved Serah. She was the highlight of the book for me. I couldn't connect with Lucy and her relationship with Rafe. I like that this PNR is on the lighter side. I look forward to reading book two, which features Serah. If you like humorous, light PNR, then this is the book for you.