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Head Over Heels (Lucky Harbor, #3)

Head Over Heels (Lucky Harbor, #3) - Jill Shalvis Head Over Heels is the eagerly anticipated 3rd book of the Lucky Harbor series. Chloe is known as the "wild child". Chloe has reconnected with her estranged sisters and is learning to adapt to life with siblings and a permanent home. Growing up with an unconventional mother, Chloe never had roots because she was constantly moving. As the three sisters settle in and get used to being sisters and run their B&B, Chloe is starting to settle into making Lucky Harbor home. Chloe wants to show her sisters that they can depend on her, that she is as committed to the success of their business as they are. But it's not so easy for Tara and Maddie to forget Chloe's impulsive ways.Sawyer is a reformed trouble-maker and spends his days proving that he is no longer that kid anymore. He sees himself in Chloe. He wishes that he could give into his wild tendencies but being the officer of the law and living in a small town with long memories doesn't allow him to.Head Over Heels is a good addition to the series but it didn't wow me like the first two books. There's been this build up with Sawyer and Chloe since book 1 so the expectation was high that their romance was going to be as combustible as their confrontations when Chloe had run-ins with the law. I wanted an explosion but got sparks instead. Don't get me wrong, there was sexual tension galore throughout this book; with both Chloe and Sawyer fighting their attraction. And because of Chloe's condition, she couldn't really get down and dirty or she'd end up in the emergency room. I wanted Sawyer to relax! He is so stiff and tense (get your mind out the gutter) that I thought being around Chloe would get him to loosen up a little. The only time he did loosen up was when he was drunk.I loved seeing how the sisters interacted with each other. They started off as strangers but have grown to be a true family. Tara and Maddie annoyed me at times when they didn't take Chloe seriously but I could see their point; Chloe has a history of taking off.We are introduced to new characters which sets up the next books in the series. I can't wait to find out who "the cute guy" is. And the park ranger..Yum! I actually felt he and Chloe had more spark and were more interesting together for a second there. Throwing him into the mix as a love interest would have been interesting.Head Over Heels was a good read. I enjoyed Sawyer and Chloe's relationship and the build-up. Head Over Heels didn't have as much humor as the previous two books and I missed that the most. I remember cracking up while reading Simply Irresistible. Maddie on her own is hilarious. And the scene with Ford and Logan and the bees in The Sweetest Thing has to be the best comedic scene I've read to date in a contemporary romance. Head Over Heels didn't have that and I kind of expected it to since Chloe does get herself in sticky situations.All in all, a good read. I highly recommend this series. I love it. The characters are well-developed and believable with humor and heart.C+