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The Renfield Syndrome (Rhiannon's Law, #2)

The Renfield Syndrome (Rhiannon's Law, #2) - J.A. Saare We were left with a humdinger of a cliffhanger at the end of Dead, Undead and Somewhere In Between. And we had to wait forever (at least it felt like it) to find out what happened to Rhiannon. The Renfield Syndrome starts off with Rhiannon travelling (transporting?) 101 years into the future thanks to a deal she made with a demon. New York isn't what it used to be. It's a wasteland and no one stays outside once the sun goes down. Rhiannon needs to figure out a way to undo the deal she made and get back to her time but the task isn't going to be easy. And once she returns, she is going to have to deal with the fall-out of her actions that took place 101 years in the future.The Renfield Syndrome was a non-stop, edge of your seat, roller-coaster ride. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started reading this book. I didn't expect to be totally blown away! There were times while reading TRS that my mouth was hanging open in shock or I would gasp out loud or say, 'Oh no!'. I'm sure those around me thought I was crazy but I don't care. This book brought out strong feelings and that's a good thing. First off, I have to say I love the introduction of the werewolves and I *love* Carter! I hope to see him in future books. I mean, seriously, he needs to be a contender as a love interest for Rhiannon. Disco who? His actions in TRS proves that he is not worthy of Rhiannon. I was never a Disco (Gabriel) fan anyway. I'm sure I'm alone in that sentiment but whatever. He can go kick rocks. *chants* Carter! Carter! Carter! And Paine, *swoon*. Throw him in the mix too. Throughout the book, he proves that he is a true friend and has Rhiannon's back and I can't wait to see how his friendship with Rhiannon progresses and whether or not his relationship with Disco changes.I want to say more but I can't. Trying to keep this review spoiler free.The Renfield Syndrome was a great follow-up to Dead. I could not put this book down. I even did some sneak reading while at work. I was anxious to find out what was going to happen next and was impatient to find out. The plot kept me engaged and had my stomach twisted in knots. I think I got anxiety while reading it. TRS ends with a huge question mark regarding what is going to happen next with Rhiannon, Disco, Paine and et al. I hope we don't have to wait too long *hint* for The Ripple Effect. :PIf you are a fan of Urban Fantasy then I highly suggest you read The Renfield Syndrome. But read Dead, Undead or Somewhere In-Between because this book cannot be read as a stand-alone.Go buy it! Now!