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Devil's Kiss (Hellraisers)

Devil's Kiss (Hellraisers) - Zoe Archer Devil's Kiss is the first book in the Hellraisers series. Whit is a privileged man who has more than enough. He has a passion for gambling and taking risk. When Whit and his friends make a deal with the Devil, they can't believe their luck. They are finally getting what they want the most. And for Whit that is the ability to control the odds. And as a bonus, sexy gypsy Zora is now bound to a playing card and is in Whit's possession. Whit has been fascinated by the gypsy since she beat him in piquet and now he has her at his disposal, to learn her tricks of the trade and improve his game of cards.I rarely read paranormal historical romance so Devil's Kiss was a different read for me. I enjoyed the book and the history that was established. Zora is a very strong female character and I liked that she didn't wallow in her circumstances. The attraction between Whit and Zora was constant, even when he had her trapped. I liked that they didn't rush into a romance or sex.The Devil, Mr. Holliday, was a presence throughout the book. Whit's friends were great side characters and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to them in future books.All in all, it was a good read. It didn't wow me but I am interested in finding out what will happen with each friend. By the end of Devil's Kiss it didn't seem like any of them could be brought back from the brink.C