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No Flowers Required (Love Required, #2)

No Flowers Required - Cari Quinn Sigh. You gotta love a sexy tattooed hero who is handy with his...tools.Alexa is hanging on by a thread financially. Reformed party girl, Alexa inherited the Divine flower shop from her employer. The shop was already in the red and Alexa finds herself falling deeper and deeper into debt thanks to Value Hardware. No one wants fancy flower arrangements anymore and the cheap mass produced products that Value Hardware churns out is hurting her business. Also she just sold her house and has moved into an apartment above her shop. When the plumbing goes haywire, Alexa is on the hunt for a handyman. And does she find one.Dillon does his own thing. He works for a charity that helps build homes. He makes repairs around the apartments that his family owns and he's an all-around good guy. So it's not with malice intent that he doesn't tell Alexa that his family is destroying her business. Dillon is attracted to Alexa and wants to help her the best way he knows how. He knows that he must tell the truth about who he really is but he doesn't want to lose her.I enjoyed No Flowers Required mostly due to Dillon. He is a good guy and he's sexy as hell. He feels bad that he lied to Alexa but works to help her get on her feet by making suggestions on how to bring business to her flower shop. This doesn't negate the fact that he lied, but his heart was in the right place. It's hard to tell someone you're attracted to that you're part of the evil empire that's destroying your life.I couldn't quite connect with Alexa. I felt that there was a missing piece. She was very closed off emotionally even though Dillon did not do anything (to her knowledge) to not earn her trust. I got the feeling that there were events that took place in her past that made her this way but we don't find out about them. What made her tick? I don't think we even scratched the surface with Alexa. Dillon was by far the more likable character. I felt that he was written really well where I found a hard time connecting with Alexa.I felt that the romance was one-sided with Dillon wanting it to be more than just sex but Alexa kept herself closed off. Jake and Noelle, from No Dress Required, make an appearance in this book. It was nice revisiting them.Overall, No Flowers Required is an enjoyable book. I loved Dillon. Alexa was ok. I hope the next book is Cory, Dillon's brother. He needs to work off some stress and frustration stat!