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Never Love a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #3)

Never Love a Highlander - Maya Banks I have been excited to read Caelen's story ever since I finished reading book 2, Seduction of a Highland Lass. With each book, Caelen's character has grown and become more in depth to the point where he may be my favorite McCabe brother.We were introduced to Rionna in book 1. It was arranged that she marry Ewan, the eldest McCabe brother, to create an alliance with the McDonald and McCabe clans. If you've read book 1, you know that things didn't go as planned. Ewan married Mairin so Alaric stepped up to the plate. Alaric ended up marrying Keeley and Caelen was the lucky brother to finally unite the two clans by marrying Rionna. Rionna isn't like most women. She wears men clothing. She is skillful with the sword. And like the other women that the McCabe men have fallen for, she's stubborn and independent.Never Love a Highlander did not disappoint. Caelen and Rionna's relationship was rocky from the start. After being handed off and rejected by two of the McCabe men, it would be easy for Rionna to be bitter and to wallow in self-pity. But she didn't. She accepted her duty to her clan and accepted her marriage to Caelen. Caelen and Rionna are very similar and this similarity caused them to butt heads throughout the book. Caelen, in his own neanderthal way, wants to protect Rionna but in the end, he realized that by doing so, he is forcing her to deny a part of herself.The romance between Caelen and Rionna wasn't as emotional and epic (for a lack of a better word) as the romances in the previous two books and I was okay with that. These are two practical people who are getting married to help their family, out of duty. There are no rose-colored glasses blurring the reality of their situation.I hope that this isn't the last of the McCabe family. I've really enjoyed this series and I don't want it to end. The McCabe right hand man, Gannon, deserves a lass of his own and hope that one day, in the near future, he was get his own book.I highly recommend this series if you're a fan of Maya Banks and highlander romances.B