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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.


Cherished - Maya Banks, Lauren Dane Exiled by Maya Banks- I didn't realize that Exiled was a m/m/m/f story until a few pages in. I've read a previous m/m/m/f story by Ms. Banks and it was not my cup of tea. I wished there was a hint in the plot summary that Exiled was this type of story. A virgin sent to an island to service a prince and his two confidantes is not sexy. After 20 pages, I was cringing and the sex hadn't even started. Unfortunately, I had to DNF this book.Rating: DNFSway by Lauren Dane - I really liked Sway. Normally I don't like stories where there's a huge age difference between the hero and heroine but the age gap didn't bother me and it really worked. Really liked Daisy. She's a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and knows what she wants. She had more faith in their relationship than Levi which I thought was a nice change - that the guy was the unsure one in the relationship. Levi was sexy and I loved that there was more to him than the stuffy lawyer. The BDSM aspect of their relationship felt natural, organic. Definitely not forced. The only thing that bothered me was Levi's constant focus on the age difference. It started wearing thin. I loved revisiting the characters from Never Enough and look forward to reading this new series. Can't wait to read the next book!Rating: B