Secret Santa is a novella that has Secret working with the NYPD, investigating a series of murders involving teens and who is behind leaving body parts stuffed in a Christmas stocking showing up at the Post and Times buildings. That’s not the only thing on Secret’s plate during the holiday season. She is also going to meet her boyfriend, Desmond, mother. Desmond is now her live-in boyfriend and this is the first Christmas where she won’t be buying a present just for her grandmere. This is the first time in Secret’s life where she has a semblance of a family.In Secret Santa, Secret is now somewhat domesticated since living with Desmond. Their relationship is still going strong and I hope it stays that way! As a dedicated Desmond fan, I love their relationship. But since their are two other men jockeying for Secret's heart, I know the relationship bliss won't last long (drat!). Ever since invading Secret’s dreams and having a weird existential threesome with her and Desmond, their relationship has changed. There is now an undercurrent of attraction that Secret is trying to ignore but Holden won’t let her. Secret truly loves Desmond and is already worried about how she is going to handle her relationship with both Desmond and Lucas since as part werewolf; she is soul-bonded to both of them. Add Holden into the mix and it is more men than she can handle. The smart thing for Secret would be to keep her distance from Holden but she needs him to help her solve these murders and locate the missing teams. It really hits close to home when Desmond’s sister, Penny, ends up missing on Christmas Eve. Secret is even more determined than ever to find who is behind this even if it means making a deal with the devil himself, Holden, in order to do so.Secret Santa is a great addition to the series. With each installment, it keeps getting better. I love how Secret is opening herself up to people and finally has a make-shift family to shop for on Christmas. It will be interesting to see how this love quadrangle will pan out. I am Team Desmond all the way. I love the taste of limes. Yum!Secret is still kick-ass. She finally gets the action that she’s been seeking since joining the Tribunal. Secret Santa is gory, violent and the killer is no holds barred. There is a level of ick due to the nature of the crimes and the gore. Secret Santa is not your ordinary Christmas story. It is a fast-paced fun yet gory thrill ride that will have you wanting more after it ends.B