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More than Meets the Ink

More than Meets the Ink - Elle Aycart I had so much hope for Tate. I wanted to like her so bad but she just kept opening her mouth and sounding like a judgmental bitch. More Than Meets the Ink starts off with Tate and her mom attempting to break in to her neighbor's condo, I was thinking that Tate would be an over-worked woman, who's visiting her crazy mother at the retirement home and indulging her in her crazy schemes and whims. Yeah, that lasted for about 2 minutes and then the real Tate showed her true colors.Tate doesn't trust anyone with tattoos, especially guys, because she has had such a bad experience with tattooed men. Oh wait, no she hasn't. That would be her sister, Elle, who has had all the bad experience with tattooed guys. Tate has it cemented in her brain that any guy with a tattoo is an automatic bad boy. And you can not tell her that she is wrong. When she meets her mom's neighbor's son, James, she immediately has him pegged as a good for nothing bad boy. And she proceeds to insult his intelligence, integrity and morals. Yeah, this Tate, she's a winner. And for some crazy reason, James is attracted to her and indulges her when she clearly insults him.Tate just experienced a huge loss and is still coming to grips with it. You would think that this would make her a sympathetic character....nope. Tate is bitchy, judgmental and at times, downright rude. There were times, during her inner dialog, that she would admit to being a bitch, but for some reason, that didn't stop her. Despite my dislike for Tate, I enjoyed reading More Than Meets The Ink. James is a very sexy and likable character and he goes above and beyond to prove to Tate that he is not "that guy" that she has him pegged to be. The sex scenes between James and Tate are very hot and had me fanning myself quite frequently.More Than Meets the Ink was a good read. The plot kept me engaged and what kept me reading was the hot sex and the hope that Tate would stop being so bitchy. There was one thing that bothered me throughout the book and it was Tate's use of "your kind" when referring to James as a bad boy. I felt that this phrase was over-used and could have been worded differently. When I think of "your kind", for me, it has negative, racist connotations. To me, it's just as bad as saying "you people". That was my personal hangup because when I hear "your kind" my thoughts automatically go to a hurtful and negative place. Why use "your kind?" He's not a different species! He's a guy with tats.As an erotic novella with smoking hot sex scenes, I liked More Than Meets the Ink a lot. As a romance, not so much. Only because I could not get on board with James and Tate being together. I loved James. He is sexy and likes to talk dirty. He's also sweet despite having 3 whole tattoos! Imagine that. He has to be the nicest guy on the planet to put up with the crap that Tate was dishing out. Or maybe he was extremely desperate. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that. An enjoyable read despite my issues with the heroine. James and the old people at the retirement village more than made up for Tate's nasty prejudice and closed mind.Oh - the scene with James, his dad and James' boner on the golf course - hilarious!C