The Fever and the Fury gets off to a humorous start. Phaedra is tasked with making Luke atone for his sin. Luke refuses because he feels that he hasn't done anything wrong. The novella starts with Phaedra trying to kill Luke for the third time that week. Phaedra can not be released from her obligation until her job is done. Phaedra realizes that if she wants to succeed, she may have to change her method.I was surprised by how much I enjoyed The Fever and the Fury. I loved Phaedra and Luke's characters. Both are characters that are used to following orders without questioning them and together they both discover that it is okay to question. The chemistry was believable and undeniably hot. I loved that there was humor sprinkled throughout the book.Luke is a great alpha hero and Phaedra is a funny, sarcastic Fury. I would have liked to have had more info on exactly how Luke became a Phoenix and on what a Phoenix is. Other than being reborn, what other abilities does he have?The Fever and the Fury is a hot and steamy read. Once the book ended, I wanted more! I wasn't completely happy with how it ended. I want to know the repercussions, if any, of Luke and Phaedra's relationship. Will Luke ever go home again? I guess we just have to let our imaginations play out how Luke and Phedra's HEA truly ends.I loved The Fever and the Fury. This is my first time reading a book by Stephanie Draven and it won't be my last.