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Love To Read For Fun

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Believe - Megan Slayer The Christmas season is about joy and family. But Chase isn't feeling the Christmas spirit. Playing at office Christmas parties and missing his partner, Raylan, Chase is unhappy with his life and unsure of his relationship with Raylan. With his bandmate coming on to him and then filling Chase's head with thoughts of Raylan being unfaithful, all Chase wants to do is be home with his honey for the holidays. Raylan has managed to get time off from work so that he can be with Chase. Unfortunately, people from Raylan's past and present have different ideas.When I started reading Believe, I felt like I was dropped in the middle of the plot. Characters and events were introduced as if the reader should already know who and what was going on. I was really confused at the beginning and had to re-read certain parts so that I could follow the plot. Past lovers were mentioned and introduced and I felt like it brought nothing to the story. It did provide some relationship background info but it wasn't enough to get a full picture of Chase and Raylan's relationship. I tried to be invested in Raylan's and Chase's happiness but I couldn't find myself rooting for them. I felt like I only got a small peak at the characters and would have liked a fuller picture.I liked Believe but wish it had been longer. Maybe not a full-length novel but at least a 100 pages or so. I wasn't with the characters long enough to be fully invested in their happiness and having certain characters pop up in the plot took away the focus from the main characters.