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Amaury's Hellion (Scanguards Vampires, #2)

Amaury's Hellion - Tina Folsom 3.5 - This is the second book of the Scanguards Vampires series. We were introduced to Amaury in the first book. Amaury is cursed. He can feel other people’s emotions which causes him great pain. The only relief from the pain is through sex but the relief is temporary. He has learned to manage the pain and hide his discomfort from his friends. Amaury comes off as crass and uncaring but things are revealed about his past where you understand that he feels he is undeserving of love and forgiveness. And why he acts out.Nina’s brother, Eddie, is dead. She is determined to go after the people who are responsible for his death. Nina knows all about vampires and she’s out to kill each and every one of them. Nina and Eddie grew up in foster homes and being the oldest child, Nina always looked after her brother. It was her job to protect him. And it is now her job to avenge his death. Nina is tough and independent and a loner. She had a rough childhood and is used to doing whatever’s necessary to survive. No one is allowed to get close to her. She keeps everyone at arm’s length. I understood Nina’s motivation behind her actions. Her brother - her only relative and the closest person to her - is dead. She will do anything and everything to kill those responsible. With that being said, her stubborn, I can do it myself attitude started wearing then towards the middle of the book. Eventually Nina, Amaury and the Scanguards Vampires join forces to find out who is behind the murders of several human bodyguards. Amaury proves over and over that he and his brethren are not responsible for Eddie’s death. Nina constantly shoots down any attempt at assistance. She is attracted to Amaury and knows that the feeling is mutual. She uses that to her advantage by manipulating him. Like any male or vampire, Amaury thinks with the little head instead of the big one.I didn’t feel any sympathy towards Nina and her situation. Maybe if she wasn’t such a ball-buster, I may have felt different. At one point, I couldn’t understand why Amaury continued putting up with her! I will say this; the sex is off the charts when these two get together! I think Amaury’s Hellion is even more steamy than Samson’s Lovely Mortal. I love that Samson and Delilah are still integral characters in this book. We’re also introduced to more side characters who work for Scanguards. Yvette and Zane, both vampires, really stood out in this one and I am really looking forward to their books. They are both messed up and flawed in such interesting ways. I’d love to see what kind of person will be the one to lead them to redemtption.Amaury and Nina are two wounded souls that come together and heal each other. Even though it was hard for me to connect with Nina during most of the book, I still enjoyed reading it. Nina had her moments where I was okay with her character but the majority of the book she got on my nerves. Amaury’s Hellion is a great addition to the series. It was a sexy and steamy read with a great plot and characters.