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Yvette's Haven (Scanguards Vampires #4)

Yvette's Haven - Tina Folsom I love Tina Folsom's Scanguards Vampires series. The series is hot and sexy. As we're introduced to more Scanguards employees, I can't wait for each book.As much as I love the series, Yvette's Haven fell flat for me. Yvette is a kick ass vamp who is used to being alone. She is standoffish and as of book 3, didn't like her co-worker's burgeoning relationships. I knew it would take a special kind of man to make Yvette let down her guard. Haven and Yvette first meet each other at a party where Yvette is working as a bodyguard for an up-and-coming actress. Haven is that same party to take out the vampire bodyguard and kidnap the actress. Haven's brother is in a bind, yet again, and is indebted to a witch. Haven manages to kidnap both Yvette and the actress, Kimberly, she was protecting. Needless to say, the witch double crossed him and all 4 of them are trapped and at her mercy.The first half of the book takes place with Yvette, Haven, his brother and Kimberly being locked in a room. This part of the book dragged for me. After a while, it seemed to take forever for them to be rescued. And with Haven being a vampire hunter and because of his hatred of vampires, I found it hard to believe that we was able to overlook the fact that Yvette was a vamp. Yes, he was conflicted and yes she did prove that she's not out to kill them, but Little Haven seemed to do all the thinking for Big Haven. I thought the big reveal about Kimberly was a little too convenient and I had it pegged the moment they were locked up by the witch.For the most part, I couldn't get into the story. It wasn't as sexy and previous books. Tina knows how to write hot sex scenes and for me, the sexual chemistry was lacking. There was more sexual tension and chemistry when they weren't actually having sex than when they did have sex. I expected more from Yvette and I didn't get it. We learn about her human past and why she is obsessed with getting pregnant. I hope that we continue on with Yvette's journey to Motherhood. There was also a lot of set up for Zane's book which I think will be interesting. I found it interesting and unique his obsession with hair. Apparently when he was turned, his head was shaved bald so he will never be able to grow hair as a vampire.Even though Yvette's Haven was a little disappointing, this series is still a must buy for me. I can't wait for the next book in the series.