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Eternal Captive (Mark of the Vampire)

Eternal Captive - Laura Wright Eternal Captive was a pretty decent read. I hadn't read the previous two books in the series so I was a little lost. I wished I had read the previous two books so that I could have the full picture but the plot was easy enough to follow. Thankfully there's a glossary at the beginning of the book that helped me with the terminology that used heavily used throughout. I couldn't help but compare this book to the Midnight Breeds series by Lara Adrian. There were similarities that I could not ignore mainly the big bad - Cruen - a former member of The Order who's using shape-shifter vampires as weapons and using Breeding Male vampires to create more of them. Sounds very similar to Dragos in the Breed series. But I digress.Overall I enjoyed this book. Lucien is snarky and an asshole and I liked it. The fact that he's an albino vampire is something different and again, I wish I'd read the previous books to get the full history on the Roman brothers. I didn't like or dislike Bronwyn. Nothing about her stood out for me. The sex scenes between Lucien and Bronwyn were hot and towards the end of the book, the plot took a very emotional turn. I felt that the HEA was wrapped up too quickly. I think more than 7 pages should have been dedicated to it considering everything that Lucien and Bronwyn had gone through.Eternal Captive was a good read. I wasn't wowed by it but it could be because I'm not familiar with the series. Now I want to go back and read the first two books in the series. I think if I read those books, my opinion of this one would change.