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Breaking Point (I-Team Series #5)

Breaking Point - Pamela Clare The last couple of romantic suspense novels that I've read have been really good and Breaking Point was no exception. First, look at that cover. Is he a thing of beauty or what? I am such a cover whore (aren't we all?). Breaking Point is the first book I've read by Pamela Clare and after finishing it, I have added all the books in her I-Team series to my TBR pile. Natalie Benoit is a woman who has suffered a lot of loss in her life. While in Mexico for a journalists conference, she is involved in an ambush and is kidnapped by a ruthless Mexican drug cartel. When locked in a dingy cell, Natalie realizes that she is not alone. Occupying the cell next to her is Nick McBride. He is a former Navy SEAL now U.S. Marshall who had been captured, imprisoned and tortured by the drug cartel, Los Zetas. Natalie is hesitant to trust Nick. He could be a criminal but they both have one goal - to escape and come out this ordeal alive.Breaking Point is one intense, suspenseful and sexy ride. Natalie is a heroine who can carry her own. She is a great combination of compassion, courage and fierceness. She is not a weak woman even though her circumstances could render any person helpless. I loved that she fought through her fear and when she broke down, it was truly at a point where she truly could not go any further - emotionally and physically. Nick is a great supporter and encourager. As an ex-SEAL, he's used to being in near-death situations. Nick is running the show but he treats Natalie as his equal and ally. He doesn't bark orders or talk down to her. Natalie is tougher than she looks and as they face dangerous situations, Nick is constantly surprised by Natalie's strength.From start to finish, I enjoyed Breaking Point. If I was ever kidnapped and held hostage in a Mexican prison, I would want Nick to rescue me. Both Nick and Natalie not only have to make it back to the US in one piece but they also have to deal with their attraction. Even though they are on the run, they don't hesitate to have some sexy time. And boy is it hot!! I will be thinking of guns in an entirely different light thanks to Nick McBride. Though they are both attracted to each other, Nick and Natalie have suffered great loss in their lives and don't open their hearts easily. Nick believes that because of his job and lifestyle, he can not have a womn in his life. Nick's story is compelling and heartbreaking. He's suffering from PTSD and we learn about the burden that he carries from his days as a SEAL. Nick is broken and doesn't think he deserves to be loved. Natalie tries to heal Nick's wounds as well as her own.Fans of the I-Team series will be happy to know that characters from previous I-Team books play a huge role in Nick and Natalie's rescue. There is great comraderie and friendship among the I-Team folks and their spouses.I highly recommend Breaking Point. This book had it all; great plot, sexy hero, strong heroine and great supportive characters. Pamela Clare did an excellent job of describing Mexico and it's surroundings. The villains in this book are truly evil and you hope they get what's coming to them. All in all, Breaking Point is an entertaining, intense and suspenseful read. I look forward to reading more from Pamela Clare.