I don't know if it was because it was a novella, but I felt that there were a lot of missing pieces in this story. The beginning felt very familiar - like a mish mash of 80s movies. I wasn't sure if the reference to Romancing the Stone was done tongue-in-cheek but the similarities to the movie did not appeal to me. And I love that movie. I found Jane to not be a very smart heroine. She is a news anchor and travels in a suit and heels to a 3rd world country. What sense does that make? With Internet and Google, why didn't she do any research before leaving for Guatemala? I know she is distraught over her mother's death, but that's not a good excuse considering she's in the news industry. I like the hero, Harrison, and the mystery that surrounded him. Again, he reminded me Michael Douglas's character from Romancing the Stone. The only thing I didn't understand is why he was abstinent because of something that happened in the past? What does that prove? And if you abstinent, why does he conveniently have condoms? Something doesn't add up.Overall, I thought the novella was okay. I didn't warm up to Jane at all because she had too many TSTL moments. The ending was pretty predictable. I saw it coming a mile away.