Love Is A Battlefield is an enjoyable story that's light on the romance. The majority of the book is about Julian and Kate trying to one up each other over a park that neither one of them owns or have rights to. The hero and heroine worked my nerves with their stubbornness. I thought the tricks to one up each other were kinda mean, not cute and funny. And the fight over the park took over the entire story. I felt very little connection to Kate and Julian and found the romance aspect of the plot seriously lacking.While Love Is A Battlefield was an okay read, I found that I couldn't get into the whole Jane Austen re-enactment spiel and the Highland Games mainly because it's not something I see in my everyday life. I couldn't relate to their passion for it at all so I found the conflict over the park a bit much. It all seemed kinda a silly to me (as an outsider) and did not keep my engaged as the story progressed. Kate's reasoning for not giving in to Julian was because she was tired of being walked on and people not taking her and the JARRS seriously. But at every turn, Kate had no problem belittling Julian and his commitment to the Highland Games. I found Kate not that likable and kinda snotty. I could not understand what Julian saw in her and vice versa. I felt that they had zero chemistry. I would have liked Love Is A Battlefield more if more of the story was focused on developing the romance between the main characters instead of their petty, childish tricks.