When we become wives and mothers, we end up turn into the one thing we want to avoid - a nagging shrew. That is what has happened to Izzy. She's a woman who has everything until she is laid off. Now she is trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. It doesn't help that her good friend just recently announced that she's getting divorced and is suggesting that Izzy does the same. Izzy is not happy with her marriage but is divorce really the answer? The Seven Year Bitch is a relatable story even though the average person can't relate to Izzy's lifestyle. Even though she was recently laid off and her husband decided to quit his career as a lawyer and become a publisher, they are still living a very privileged life. The one thing that bothered me was Izzy's obsession with finding a new nanny. She couldn't decide if she wanted to be a SAHM or if she wanted to find a new job. Either way, until you make that decision, there is no reason for her to hire a new nanny. And when she does hire a nanny, she becomes inappropriately entrenched in this woman's life. The line between employer and employee is crossed and blurred.Although I could relate to Izzy's plight as a woman who's marriage is on the rocks and her trying to figure out what is her next move, I found it difficult to find Izzy likable. She was shrill, annoying, and unhappy with life in general. Even though her marriage wasn't perfect and she was laid off, her life was still pretty damn good. I couldn't understand why she would want to stay with Russell because I didn't feel like she truly liked or even loved her husband. Why stay and be miserable? It made me wonder what did they see in each other in the beginning to make the decision to get married. Did they ever love each other?The Seven Year Bitch could have been a more relatable, funny story if the protagonist wasn't so unlikable. I didn't like or agree with much of what Izzy did in this book. I could say more but it would be a spoiler and I won't do that. Maybe if I lived the life of an upper-classed New York career woman, I would have been able to better understand why Izzy was such a selfish, bitter Betty. But alas, that is not the life I live and I can't believe that Izzy was so unhappy in hers, especially when she had the means to do something about it.