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A Brush of Darkness

A Brush of Darkness (Abby Sinclair, Book 1) - Allison Pang A Brush of Darkness is described as urban fantasy which I find hard to believe because I laughed so much while reading it. When I hear "urban fantasy" I think of dark and gritty and definitely humorless. I didn't get any of that while reading A Brush of Darkness and it was a pleasant and unexpected surprise.It took me a while to get into the story. There were a lot of terms used where I had no idea what they meant. I felt that the author assumed that the reader would know the definition within the context certain words were being used, but for me that was not the case. I think this book, with it being the first of the series, would have benefited from having a dictionary. But once I got past that, I really started to enjoy the story. The book got even better when Phin the Unicorn enters the picture. The sarcastic, horny unicorn nearly steals the show.I liked that Abby wasn't your typical kick-ass heroine. She stumbles her way through and makes mistakes, sometimes at the worse possible time. At times I wanted to shake her but had to remember that this all new to Abby. She's been thrown into the deep end and is struggling to stay afloat.I liked Brystion and Abby's relationship even though I didn't buy into the attraction at first. But once I got used to the idea of them together, it worked. Brystion has his own issues. You would think as a succubus he would be uber-confident since he oozes sex and sexuality but surprisingly, that's not the case.A Brush of Darkness is a great read and I found it very entertaining. Other than the confusion with the mythology and terminology, it was a fluid and easy read. I'm looking forward to reading more of this series.