**contains spoilers if you haven't read books 1-5 of the Fever series and minor spoilers if you haven't read ICED**Like everyone else, I was so worried when KMM announced that she was doing a trilogy in the Fever World with Dani as the heroine. Say what? Dani was so annoying in the Fever books. And she's 14. The big questions were: Is this book going to be YA? And can Dani 'Mega' O'Malley be a likable heroine that can carry an entire book? Will Ryodan be her love interest? Why oh why did I doubt KMM? We should know by now that she knows what she's doing. I will never doubt her again.The first thing that blew me away was that I actually liked Dani! Yes she still had her annoying moments (they increased in frequency towards the end of the book) but I had to remind myself that she's only 14. She was kept in a cage and neglected by her mother and then she lived in the abbey with Rowena (ugh) and the other sidhe-seers. Dani doesn't know what it's like to be normal - have friends, love and affection from adults, to just be. So some of her actions were selfish and frustrating and wanted her to be knocked down a pedestal or two. Her bravado became annoying but then I realize she doesn't know how to be any other way. She has seen and done a lot in her young life but at heart, she's still a kid.Here's a rundown of how I felt about the major players:Ryodan - He *could* give Barrons a run for his money. Ryodan is intense and methodical. He pushes Dani and doesn't take her shit. The big question is will Ryodan be Dani's HEA? I can say after reading ICED, that I don't see it...yet. Right now I see Ryodan as someone who is using Dani to get what he wants (like Barrons did Mac) and he is her mentor in an odd, fecked up way. He protects Dani but he pushes her as well. We'll just have to wait and see where their relationship is headed. The only way I can accept them in a non-platonic relationship is if KMM fast forwards 4 or more years to where Dani is an adult. I really like Ryodan. He's very sexy and intense and he doesn't wear underwear because it....chafes.Christian MacKeltar - I loved Christian in the Fever books but he started changing in Shadowfever when Mac fed him Unseelie to save his life. Being a Druid, the Unseelie flesh started turning Christian into an Unseelie Prince. In ICED, Christian is still changing and he is obsessed with Dani. Like psychotic, stalker obsessed. By the end of ICED, Christian is pretty much batshit crazy. LOL! Whenever he was around Dani, he made me uncomfortable. He is now full on Unseelie Prince. He has his black wings and he can sift. Is there no going back for Christian? I don't see how he can change back. All I know is, he's loco in la cabeza and Dani needs to get her distance before he buys her a White Mansion! *inside joke*Lor - One of Ryodan's men, Lor was surprisingly an interesting and funny character. He's like Ryodan; he don't take no shit. But he's the eyes and he sees things that no one else sees. Lor has a front row seat to everything that's going on between Ryodan and Dani and Ryodan and Jo. Lor is going for providing some levity and humor and insight.Jo - I never paid much attention to the other sidhe-seers in the series. Jo showed up at Chester's to rescue Dani and ends up working in the subclub and becomes Ryodan's lover. I don't know what's Jo's purpose? Right now she seems to be nothing but a warm body for Ryodan and Dani's personal punching bag. I did feel sorry for Jo when Dani went all psycho bitch on her. I don't see Jo as a compelling character and maybe it's time to send her back to the abbey.Dancer - He was mentioned in Shadowfever. He's Dani's friend and about 3 years older than her but he treats her like an equal. He's smart, resourceful and Dani trusts him implicitly. They have a strong friendship but I'm wondering if Dancer is Dani's eventual love interest. There's one thing I do know, there's more to Dancer than meets the eye. I can't wait to find out more about him in the upcoming books.Kat - Kat is the new Grand Mistress (now that Rowena is dead) and she doesn't want the job. But the girls are counting on her to lead. But she can't lead properly if she's constantly doubting herself and sexing up Cruce in her sleep. Yep. The Unseelie Prince, even though he's imprisoned underneath the abbey, has found his way to Kat in her sleep. She's fighting falling under his spell but her utter lack of confidence in herself is making her easy bait for Cruce.Mac and Barrons - We have glimpses and mentions of Mac and Barrons. During the entire book, Mac is looking for Dani. And we know why. At least we think we know. In Shadowfever, Mac finds out that Dani led Alana to the alley where she was killed by Unseelie. Dani is positive that Mac is looking for her in order to kill her. I honestly don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing a showdown between the two.Inspector Jayne - He's an asshole.Cruce - Up to his old tricks and I won't be surprise if he escapes his prison in the next book.I loved ICED. I enjoyed it from start to finish. I love being back in the Fever World. I enjoyed the multiple POVs. Ryodan is HOT! Lor is hilarious! Dani is a great heroine despite being annoying at times. I can't wait to read book 2. Write faster KMM! Write. Faster.