I don't know where to begin. First off, I absolutely love this series and it keeps getting better with each book. This is really not going to be a review. Just a jumbled squee-fest of how much I love this book and why Desmond rocks!Deep Dark Secret had me on the edge of my seat. I was so engrossed in the plot and the characters that I completely ignored my family while reading this book. There are few times where a book causes me to want to throw my Kindle against the wall and I experienced a couple of those urges while reading. Instead of of throwing my Kindle, I gripped it really, really hard and gritted my teeth. All this is a good thing! That means Sierra Dean has done her job as a writer and made me care about the characters, get frustrated with them, be annoyed by them and absolutely fall in love with them.It's not a secret (heh) that I am Team Desmond all the way. I think that he has proven to be The One for Secret. He is the only man in her life that doesn't manipulate her to get what he wants. He knows when to be hands off and he knows when to jump in and have her back. That's my kind of werewolf! On the other we have the Werewolf King, Lucas. I will admit, I have been hating on Lucas but I had decided to give him a chance. I mean, it's not his fault that Secret is soul-bonded to two werewolves. So, here I am, reading, enjoying myself, wanting more Desmond (hee hee) but Lucas finally gets some one-on-one time with Secret. And does the unthinkable! I was SO pissed. It was one of those moments where I wanted to throw my Kindle but I gripped it instead. I could not believe what Lucas did (will not reveal cause it's super duper spoilery). I hurt for Desmond when he discovered it and was angry for Secret (although she didn't deserve my support cause she does something later on in the book that totally pissed me off!) Any chance of me liking Lucas went out the window. I understood why he did it but I did not like it. And I felt there was a different way that he could have handled it.So I pretty much dislike Lucas the entire book. He does some more behind the back shady shit and this is where Secret gets on my list as well. I know she's soul-bonded to Lucas and feels the attraction blah, blah, blah but she LOVES Desmond but the fact that she did what she did with Lucas and without an ounce of guilt, pissed me off. So strike one Secret. I'm not even sure she deserves someone as good as Desmond. I hope he finds out and finally tells Lucas and Secret where to go. And then have Secret crawling back to him, begging for his forgiveness. Yeah...that's how I want it to go down.I'm not even going to mention Holden. He's good for the one-liners and he does have Secret's back even though there are strings attached. I still don't like the fact that he manipulated Secret by making her promise him a night in bed in order for him to help her (this happened in previous novella - Secret Santa). Is he that damn desperate to get between her legs? Is her "little secret" made of gold? To use a phrase from Basketball Wife Evelyn Lozada: "He's a non-motherfucking factor" in my book. But I'm sure Dean has something up her sleeve that will drive me crazy! Holden isn't going away anytime soon. Yeah, I have strong feelings about this book, the series and the characters. I love it!I loved this book. Sierra Dean is an evil genius. I can't wait to read the next installment. If you haven't read this series, you must check it out! And then we can discuss who's team you're on!Another favorite quote:"So that's why all my shirts smell like you. I was starting to think I was going crazy.""You are going crazy. Every day you stay with me proves it."A+