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Real Men Will (Donovan Brothers Brewery, #3)

Real Men Will (Donovan Brothers Brewery, #3) - Victoria Dahl When I finished reading Bad Boys Do, book 2 of the series, I knew there was no way I could ever like Eric. He was such a sanctimonious prick! That is so not sexy. But it turns out, Eric's book was the sexiest, the steamiest out of the three. Shocking considering that Jaime is supposedly the bad boy of the family who sleeps around. Like they say, it's always the quiet ones that surprise you.Real Men Will is my favorite book of the series. It was much sexier than the previous two books and we got to see a side of Eric that we hadn't seen before. There was still the sibling bickering that drove me crazy. Seriously, this family needs therapy. It seems like they don't even like each other. And we learn something about Eric that I didn't see coming. I won't mention what because it's spoilery because I don't think it's mentioned until this book. But either way, if something this big is going to be revealed and used as a way to explain Eric's motives, it needs to be fleshed out more. The tidbit about Eric was never mentioned in the first two books and it kinda ticked me off that we're just finding this out but not given more information about it. There was a lot more I wanted to know about Eric and his relationship with his parents. How things came to be, the hows and whys. We got none of that. Again, can't say anything cause it's spoilery. Eric and Beth have great chemistry. I never understood why they wanted to keep their relationship secret. Beth has her own issues with something that happened in her past and her trust issues. Her connection with the Kendalls could have been left out. I didn't feel that there was any real meat to that aspect of the plot and it annoyed me more than anything. I think there could have been a better way to force Beth to admit to her dad what she did for a living. And why that was such a big secret, I have no idea. I understand her dad is old school conservative but it's not like she's a prostitute! Beth claims to be proud of what she does but she keeps that part of her hidden from the important people in her life.Even though it may not seem like it, I enjoyed Real Men Will. I didn't think I'd like Eric, but it turns out, I really did. He is much sexier than his brother Jaime and I felt that this book had a lot more heat than the previous two. I found myself rooting for him and hating his siblings because I felt that they were being selfish and wouldn't give Eric a break. I don't think they realize how much he gave up at the age of 24 to raise his two young siblings.The series as a whole is good. I think it gets better with each book. Definitely check it out if you're a fan of Victoria Dahl.C+