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Wild Thing (Domestic Gods, #5)

Wild Thing (Domestic Gods, #5) - Robin Kaye Hunter and Toni are complete opposites. He's a nature guy; loves the great outdoors. Toni is a city girl and being out in the woods gives her a panic attack. I started reading Wild Thing expecting a light-hearted romance about two totally different people falling in love. Hunter and Toni eventually do fall in love but it happens so fast that I couldn't fully get on board with it.Hunter is practically in love with Toni from the first page. When he first meets her he is totally attracted to her and has pretty much made the decision to make her his. All this stems from a few phone calls between the two to set up the photo shoot. Call me unromantic but I found it unbelievable that Hunter could fall for Toni that fast. And maybe my disbelief is due to the fact that for me, Toni was really likable. Described as a goth girl, Toni is very insecure. I would think a girl who wore a collar would have loads of self-confidence and self-esteem because if you're dressing a certain way, you know people are going to look at your differently. Along with the insecurities, Toni also has trust issues. Like big time. To the point where I was like, you need to be alone cause you need help! So with all these issues and insecurities, imagine my surprise when Hunter continued to pursue her. I could not understand what he saw in her. Nothing. Even as the mutual attraction grew, Toni treated him like crap when they were intimate. I'm surprised she didn't leave a hundred dollar bill on the nightstand once they were done.I enjoyed the secondary characters, especially Hunter's siblings. After getting over the outrageous names (Fisher, Trapper and Karma), I enjoyed them a lot --especially little sis, Karma. Their interference in Hunter's love life is what made the book somewhat enjoyable for me.Wild Thing kind of just ends; I guess as a set up for the next book. I remember seeing "The End" and was like, huh? For Toni to be a cautious person and not fond of relationships, I felt that her rush to fall in love and marry Hunter was too much. I would have been happy if they ended with dating. The romance wasn't believable for me. I didn't like Toni. Hunter was okay but I wasn't wow'd by him.Wild Thing is the first book I've read by Robin Kaye. I do want to read the next book in the series so I will give this author another try. Wild Thing just wasn't the book for me.D