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The Ice Princess (Princes Trilogy, #4)

The Ice Princess (Princes Trilogy, #4) - Elizabeth Hoyt I haven't read the previous stories in this series but I had no problems following the overall plot. Coral Smythe is a madam and one night, she is offered up as a prize. Seven nights with Coral to the highest bidder. Captain Wargate hates hanging out at the brothel but he must look after his men and make sure they don't get into trouble. When he sees that Coral is being offered up as the grand prize, he steps in. Something about the madam draws him and the brief hint of fear on her face causes him to leap to action.I enjoyed The Ice Princess. Even though it's a novella, I liked how we're privy to each night that Isaac and Coral spend together. The more he is in Coral's company, the more Isaac sees Coral as a woman and not a whore. I wish The Ice Princess was a full length novel because there is so much to explore with Isaac and Coral. Even though they get their HEA in the end, I was left still wanting more.