Between the Sheets is a cute romance where the supporting characters were more interesting than the main ones.Emma's life has been destroyed after she mistakenly identified as the woman who had sex with the President-elect who ends up dying of a heart attack. Emma loses her business, her good name and her good reputation. Trying to put the scandal behind her, Emma moves to a small town in Louisiana to be closer to her grandmother and to try and live her life in anonymity. The thing is, even small towns get the news and Emma's hope of living a quiet life are dashed, especially when she gets involved with the local D.A., Max Duval.Between the Sheets was an okay read but I felt that there something lacking. I thought the premise was somewhat ridiculous. Emma becomes wrapped up in this scandal because she's the butler at the house where the President-elect is getting his rocks off with a hooker. When a button pops off her dress, she goes to the bathroom and takes off her entire dress to repin the button! This is how she becomes involved in a scandal that destroys her life. Emma was on her way out the door anyway, leaving for the evening. Why not just wait until you get home? Also, there were certain things that Emma could have done, but did not do, that could have made her life somewhat easier. Like dye her hair or change her name. She wants to be anonymous but made little effort to become anonymous. In the age of the internet, camera phones and the like, moving to a small town doesn't automatically make you anonymous anymore. Folks have long memories thanks to 24 hour news channels and the internet.I could not root for Emma or her relationship with Max. I felt that their romance was very blah and the conflict with him running for office and not wanting to be caught being with her was very cliche. It added nothing to an already boring relationship. Even the sex scenes were tame. The relationship that kept me engaged in this book was Emma's Grams , Dorothy and Max's grandfather, Harold. They are both living in an assisted living facility. Max's grandfather is suffering from dementia. Grams is a widow. Their romance was very sweet and the old folks in that facility had more spice and kick than Max and Emma on any given day.All in all Between the Sheets was a cute story that kept me interested thanks to Dorothy and Harold. I didn't feel any heat between Max and Emma. Max was the cookie cutter hero. There was nothing special about him. He was the typical "insert perfect guy here" and was very blah.