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Deliciously Sinful

Deliciously Sinful - Lilli Feisty Nick Avalon has pissed off one person too many and now the bad boy of the culinary world is cooling his heels in Redbolt, California. Phoebe is trying to continue her Aunt and Uncle's legacy at their vegan cafe but is having problems juggling her own organic farm business and working at the cafe. She realizes she needs help and hires Nick. Phoebe knows all about Nicks reputation but hopes that his culinary expertise will outweigh his bad rep.Deliciously Sinful was a good read but did not live up to previous books I've read by Feisty. I felt that Nick and Phoebe were easily forgettable. Nothing stood out. I couldn't picture either of them as sexy. The description of Phoebe, I pictured her as a frizzy-haired, non-shaving, Birkenstock wearing hippie. And that is not a good look. There were hints at Phoebe's wild-child past that we never learned about. I kept waiting for when the big reveal would happen and it never did. Nick is a bad-boy in reputation but we never fully understand the motivation behind his behavior. With Nick, I couldn't help but picture Gordon Ramsey.The one thing that did not disappoint was the sex scenes. Deliciously Sinful wasn't as hot and sexy as Bound to Please but there were some good sexy times between Nick and Phoebe. Feisty has the uncanny ability to make food sexy. There were some interesting scenes involving pudding, oranges and a whisk -- not all at the same time thought that would be interesting. There was one scene that involved bondage and rope that faded to black and that was a huge disappointment. I really wanted to see what Nick was going to do with that rope. ;-)I enjoyed Deliciously Sinful but it wasn't on par as her other romances, Bound to Please and Dare to Surrender. I had a hard time connecting to the characters. Nothing about them stood out and I couldn't understand what they saw in each other. The conflict at the end wrapped up pretty quick and I felt the resolution was too neat. There was no woo-ing or romance in Nick and Phoebe's relationship so for them to be all in love with each other at the end didn't ring true.I do recommend reading this book. It was good; it just didn't wow me.C