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Love To Read For Fun

Finding romance, one book at a time.

The Story Guy (Novella)

The Story Guy - Mary Ann Rivers A couple of weeks ago, I had decided to take a break from contemporary romance. Everything I read was the same. Nothing was standing out and I was tired of reading about characters in their mid-20s. I needed romance with characters who are established in their lives, who were closer to my age. I didn't think I was ever going to get that. And then I stumbled upon The Story Guy. The blurb intrigued me and when I saw that the heroine was in her 30s, I knew it was something that I needed to read.The fact that The Story Guy is a novella and yet managed to completely blow me away is amazing. Normally with novellas you feel like something is missing. The author managed to portray every emotion in each and every page. I immediately fell in love with Carrie and Brian's story. Once I started reading, I could not put it down.Carrie's life is good but she's in a funk. She answers Brian's ad on a whim, thinking that nothing will come of it. Brian's personal life only allows him to have Wednesdays at noon. He has tried relationships but the women end up not understanding his commitments at home. Brian allows himself this one hour, once a week, to be connected to another person.I've always thought that attraction begins with a kiss. No matter how hot a person is, if they can't kiss, then what little attraction that is there, dies. When Carrie and Brian first meet up, the kiss is slow and thorough and totally sexy. These two people are alone and need someone to latch onto but not in a co-dependent unhealthy way.The Story Guy is such a sweet, romantic love story. You can't help but fall in love with Carrie and Brian and root for them. I didn't want their story to end! The writing is so beautiful, almost poetic. Ms. Rivers is an author to look out for. She's already on my must read list. Do yourself a favor, buy The Story Guy now! It's only 99 cents on Amazon. You won't regret it.