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Making it Last (Novella)

Making It Last - Ruthie Knox I have been whining a lot recently about the lack of romance books about married couples. It's as if once a couple say their "I Love Yous" and have their HEA, that the romance is done. And it's not. I need more books about married couples finding romance again in their marriage. There is romance in marriage and Ruthie Knox writes about it effortlessly and beautifully in Making It Last.Reading about Tony and Amber's struggle to reconnect was very relatable. They've been married 10 years and have 3 boys. The economic downturn has hurt Tony's construction business so he's working long days to make ends meet. Amber is overwhelmed with raising three boys. She's trying to find her place in the world and questioning her identity. She wants to be more than just a mom and a wife but doesn't know where to start. Also her relationship with Tony is frayed. While in Jamaica for Amber's brother's wedding, Tony decides to let Amber stay, alone at the resort, for several days. He figures his wife needs some time away from the boys and the stress of everyday life. But Tony's generosity could backfire.Making It Last had my emotions all over the place. I could totally relate to Tony and Amber pretending to be strangers in a bar, flirting and drinking. Me and my husband have done the role-playing thing many times. What I loved about this novella is that it's so real. Anyone who's been married or in a relationship for a long time knows what it's like when responsibilities and real life take precedent over your love life. The romance gets put on the back-burner. Sex becomes monotonous where you're doing what needs to be done to reach an orgasm so that you can go to sleep at a decent time since you have to wake up early and go to work the next day.I could totally relate to this story. Some parts are sad. Some were sexy and hot. Some parts were just plain real. I felt for Tony and Amber and was rooting for them to work it out. I really enjoyed this novella and I thank Ms. Knox for writing it. There needs to be more romance novels about married couples. Romance doesn't die once the honeymoon is over. Romance is being tired and cranky and stressed out and all the while still being in love with the person you're committed to. That's real romance.